ISTQB Advanced Level - Test Analyst exam voucher
ISTQB Advanced Tester - Test Analyst exam voucher for certification with ASTQB exam provider AT*SQA.
ISTQB exams are available online through ASTQB anywhere in the world. Take your ISTQB exam online at home. When you pass your ISTQB exam through ASTQB and our ISTQB exam provider AT*SQA, you can appear on the Official U.S. List of Certified Testers™ as well as the ISTQB successful candidate register.
Please read ASTQB site for additional information on exam vouchers and taking the exam via their exam provider AT*SQA.
AT*SQA is the official ISTQB exam provider for ASTQB. AT*SQA is a not-for-profit organization that supports software testing quality.
Exam vouchers will be emailed to the address used for registering for this course.
See ISTQB Online Exam Information for pre- and post-registration information.
NOTE: You will need a Windows or Mac OS to install the software for the online exams. You cannot use Chrome OS, tablets, or phones to take our exams.
ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level - Test Analyst Exam
ISTQB Exam Registration for at Home & Online
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